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Ecology and Sustainability

Eco schools at Goldstone is all about empowering the children to make a difference for the environment and the society starting with our school community.

We are proud to be an Eco School having held a Green Flag award for the past 6 years.  Goldstone are very excited to have signed up to participate in the "Our City, Our World" project, a pathway to becoming an even more sustainable school involving our entire community- from the head teacher, to premises manager, to pupils and parents.

We promote the eco agenda through a pro-active and child led eco committee with responsibilities ranging from recycling and energy preservation to the maintaining of bio diversity. Through a range of projects and campaigns- from involvement with local environmental youth summits to creating a wild flower meadow on our grounds- we ensure Goldstone is a sustainable school and that it offers all children the opportunity to make informed environmentally conscious decisions about the way they live their lives.

We are very lucky to have fantastic resources at Goldstone Primary, from our outdoor classroom to our pond and wildlife area. These enable us to embed the eco agenda across the curriculum, making links with science, PSHE and healthy living, thereby enabling happier, healthier children. 

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